Back Protection

Back Protection Concept Design Research
Design a back protection concept for skiing and cycling users


This thesis is provided by a consulting company, Physical Illusion AB,and based on an idea from a Norwegian company G-spine. The founder intends to develop a new spine protection on sports underwear for athletes when skiing, skating or cycling. It should be comfortable, secure and no movement restriction.

As the initial stage of this project, this Master thesis aims to design a thin, lightweight, and no physical restrain spine protector concept, with focus on visualization and physical ergonomic aspect, but also consider the material selection, manufacture process, and environment friendly issues in certain depth. The result of this thesis will be presented as several tested wearable prototypes. The result will be used as a concept that will attract further investment and cooperation from other companies.
However, due to some reason, the goal of the thesis was changed twice during the project. As a result, according to the discussion between the supervisor from Physical Illusion AB, supervisor from Chalmers, and the author, the final result will only be a concept evaluation based on current concepts that carried out during the idea generation process.

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