Exhibition Platform
Conceptual Design of Temporary Exhibition Platform
and Smart Grid Exhibition for Siemens Urban
Sustainability Center
This project consisted of three main parts that were all performed for Siemens Urban Sustainability Centro in London. The center will open in 2012 and its main purpose is to showcase sustainable technology for urban environments.
The first task of the project was to develop a platform for temporary exhibitions in
the center. The platform concept utilizes flexible solutions so that the exhibition
information content can easily be changed for different topics. A document with
strategies for successful exhibition communication, which can be used as a guideline
when designing an exhibition, complements the platform concept. Together with the
platform concept, a location for the temporary exhibitions within the Urban Sustainability Center is suggested.
The second part of the project regarded an exhibition concept on the topic of smart
grid. This concept is presented including both the information content about smart
grid, and exhibition design solutions to communicate the message to the right target
audience. The exhibition concept was made to fit the temporary exhibition platform,
and it can be used to present and motivate why a temporary exhibition will be a good
complement to the permanent exhibition in the Urban Sustainability Center.
The third part of the project was to present an idea for an outdoor exhibit that relates
to the temporary exhibition and to sustainability to be placed outside the center. This
exhibit makes use of the water area outside the center, targets the broad public, and
aims to create interest in sustainable technology and the Urban Sustainability Centro.
Throughout the project, a product development process has been applied and
numerous methods have been used. The installations in the exhibition focus on
interaction and visitor participation to increase engagement from the user. The
project has a clear sustainability perspective and the smart grid exhibition will help
the visitors see the necessity of a sustainable development and what role smart grid
will play in the future.
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